Are you searching for 'whale done essay'? Here you can find the answers.
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- Whale done essay in 2021
- Whale done essay 02
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- Whale done essay 07
- Whale done essay 08
Whale done essay in 2021
Whale done essay 02

Whale done essay 03

Whale done essay 04

Whale done essay 05

Whale done essay 06

Whale done essay 07

Whale done essay 08
How are sperm whales related to baleen whales?
Milinkovitch used results from molecular studies to determine that sperm whales were more closely related to the baleen whales (mysticeti) than to toothed whales (Odontoceti) (Milinkovitch. 1997). But his conclusion was not well accepted, as sperm whales have substantial teeth and a single, rather than double…
What kind of sound does a baleen whale use?
Organisms including mysticetes or baleen whales use sound as their primary means of learning about their environment and also as means of communicating, navigating and foraging for food (NC, 2003).
How does a whale breathe through its nose?
[Struthers, p. 142-143] he dolphins breathe through their nose, but whales' nostrils drifted back farther and farther onto the top of the head in the fossils found. oday it is just a double or single blowhole, and the ears are closed and internal, detecting only vibrations from the lower jaw. hey "speak" through a "melon organ" or pad of fat.
When was the ban on whaling put in place?
Although a comprehensive ban on whaling was instituted in the 1950's, marine biologists and other researchers have noted that the expected beluga whale population recovery has failed to materialize, and a number of sound theories have been put forth by qualified scientists to explain the phenomenon.
Last Update: Oct 2021